MP2 (Spraydeck)
Idea: To create a magazine based around my main passion (besides design). That will appeal to a younger audience and jump off the shelve.
Media: Handmade, photography, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign.

PP1 (HMatchbooks)
Idea: To use all my previous sketchbook work and use it in a new format. Ended up being used as busniess cards due to the size.
Media : SKetchbook, pen, pencil, ducttape, glue, scalpel. Screen print, Photoshop, Quark.

Rebrand a Highstreet Retailer : (F.Hinds)
Set by The Partners in London. The brief was to choose one of four high street retailers, and increase thier fictional market share through rebrand.
Media: Illustrator.

We were given a double page spread to redesign from a 1933 College Gazette/Newsletter. We could use any style/method we wished, just aslong as all the information and the imagery stayed the same.
Media: Handmade, collage, glue, scalpel, marker. Berthold Type encyclopedia circa 1986.

YCN (Howies)
This was set by Howies and run in conjunction with YCN. The brief set by Howies was to design a T-shirt design around the theme of 'HOPE'. Idea 1: For a t-shirt to hope to be worn, used and abused in everyday life. Idea 2: Wear your mistakes with pride - You have to know where your coming from to know where your going. Basically, colour in the little characters where you have made a mistake (Injury, cut, breakup, passed out etc)
Media: Paint, Photoshop.

PP2 (Heroes and Villians)
Idea: To represent my influences (good and bad) through my life using mapping. End result, a binary opposition of good and bad. Forged into a wedding scenario (Ceremony and Reception) seating plan decided by impartial random lottery to negate favouritism.
Media : Cyanotype, Illustrator, Photoshop.

Two Men and a Wardrobe.
Breif: To create a 2 colour screenprint poster in a 'Polish' style for the Roman Polanski short.
Media: Handmade, scalpel cut type. Screenprint. Photocopier.

Major Poject 1
Idea: To create a series of film posters for my favourite contemporary films. I chose not to base the posters on the film plots.But to base them around the characters.
Fight Club : Anarchy and thefight between good and evil (used the lightsaber colours from Star Wars for that!)
Battle Royale : Used the characters weapons in the film to create a marketing campaign that brought a bit of light to a bleak film.
Media : Handmade, Photoshop, Illustrator.