Sunday, July 15, 2007

It's been a while since I last updated. Been a bit slack on the work front!
Got a call from the YCN asking me to help out of a pitch, there are a few other guys doing the same too. It's for Capital FM down in the depths of Londn. They wanted to brighten up their office with a mural, relating to London, but not actually showing landmarks. More centering around the feel and the emotion London has.
My idea was to use a map of london, but make it so you don't know what it is a first but still keeping a vibe of london about it, the buzz, the diversity (and that's just through the colours!).

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2nd pitch. This was for a charity, they wanted to make some thing that isnt positive, into something that is positive. Basically, they wanted us to make rejection letters, sexy!
Here are mine, I didn't get chosen (maybe because I'm not an illustrator, I missed the point a bit, or they just didn't liket he sytle... the list is endless) But I like them anyway :)

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Shot at 2007-07-17


About Me

5ft 10' Jon, is a graphic designer by trade. He likes detail, colours and Clarendon. He also has a love for canoeing (slalom and river running). Mountain biking, swimming, snorkling, infact most water sports... The outdoors be it a mountian a beach or a river. BBQ's, medium rare steaks and good old fashion english Ale. You can contact him at :