Wednesday, October 18, 2006

As promised, here are some, well TWO of my '1 of 1 CV poster series' (I had to cross out my info, because let's face it, stalkers and prank phone calls are bad, mmmkay?!
At the top, that's my iBook and what I'm working on. Below is an a3 print out of the piece, with extra leaked ink, because thepaper decided to fold and tickle the ink cartridges, which made them leak, looks cool doesn't it. Makes more sense to keep iot because mistakes really are part of my work. Below, well this is slightly different. I didn;t have enough paper for another a3 print out. and realised you could read the info from the back of the paper, so reversed the type, so on thin right side, or ptinted side, everything is reversed, and when you flip it over you'll be able to read. Unbeknown was the texture the pink and the paper would produce - I;ve added a close up to it below (Pic No. 6). And finally to round off this, There was another poster, but i've not quite finsihed it all. So I just took a pick of a small bit of copy (type) and tried to make it look dramitic. You might ask, but why are they light blue and pink. Is he trying to tell me something? Well, no. What I;m using are pure shades of Cyan(the blue), and Magenta(The pink). Personally I prefer 4 straight colours to merged colours, a product of loving silk screening. Well yeah, bye
(Oh yeah, what the fuck it it with not being able to get rid of widdows (Single words on a single line at the end of a paragraph) Grr does my head it. Ass!!!


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About Me

5ft 10' Jon, is a graphic designer by trade. He likes detail, colours and Clarendon. He also has a love for canoeing (slalom and river running). Mountain biking, swimming, snorkling, infact most water sports... The outdoors be it a mountian a beach or a river. BBQ's, medium rare steaks and good old fashion english Ale. You can contact him at :